Thank you for your willingness to host an upcoming meeting of the Arizona Presbytery. Hosting Presbytery is a wonderful and unique way to bless the regional church and to create community that flows from the gospel. When done well, our host church plays the vital role in helping to create a culture of service, generosity, worship, and edifying fellowship within the bounds of our Presbytery. Towards this end, we have put together this checklist to help you better prepare.

Step ONE

  • Complete the Welcome Letter Form at least 21 days prior to the upcoming meeting. The completion of this form is vital to communicating important information to members of Presbytery in a timely manner.

Step TWO

  • Download the Checklist for Hosting Presbytery to view all relevant elements to be considered in hosting a Presbyery meeting. You do not need to turn this checklist in, it is for your benefit. 


If you have any questions, please contact our Stated Clerk.